This project was created for Elisava School of Design and Engineering, Master's Degree in Creative Direction and Communication.

Target Audience: The target audience for Camper Recrafted are current consumers of the brand, that we established as “Memories Collectors”. They value quality over quantity and preserves things and moment that they appreciate.

Challenge: Create emotional value to the Camper shoes to motivate the public to recraft their old shoes.

Idea: Our shoes are witnesses to every experience in our daily life. They know too much, “Saben Demasiado”, and letting them go is not an option. That is why our campaign for Camper is divided into two phases. One for an emotional value for the consumer and the other centered on the Recrafted process and consumer experience.

Creative Concept: Witness “Testigo”.

    • Campaign Strategy: Mireia Arnau, Jeniffer Rivera, Genesis Valderrama, Simon Pera.

    • Graphic Design: Jeniffer Rivera.

    • Art Direction: Jeniffer Rivera and Genesis Valderrama

    • Photography and Video Edition: Simon Pera

Recrafted Website

The second phase of the campaign focused on the Recrafted process and the user experience. Explaining the Recrafted in three simple steps.

Letting the consumer know if their Camper shoe can be recrafted and showing through augmented reality how the shoe can look after the process. Then taking it to the store and writing their most secret experience with them, sending an email of their shoes being recrafted by the artisan of Camper. Finishing with their new Recrafted shoes and a key chain from the old shoe material containing the secret the consumer wrote.


Heura Off-On Market


Foot Locker Spain